We've been at the cottage on and off since last Friday when we drove up to leave our trusty pooch in the capable hands of Chris's mom, Pam. We dropped the dog and then were off to Boston for the weekend to celebrate my sister Samantha's graduation from Boston College.
Since then we've been back to the Cape to grab the dog, back to Boston for a job interview and then back to the Cape again. Along the way I got to meet with old friends, eat some pretty yummy meals and explore new avenues of the local food community here in my back yard.
I think I've got a couple of good stories. They involve delicious sushi and fries on the water in Wellfleet. An amazing dinner at a neighborhood spot in Cambridge called Hungry Mother and, most recently, a visit to the farm of an awe inspiring eighty-seven year old woman who runs an organic farm stand here on the Cape.
Due to the lack of internet access at the house I will have to relate these stories a bit piecemeal, but I think they are worth telling. Hopefully this will whet your whistle and you'll check back in order to get the full scoop.
Hi J'aime:) Its my first week with my newly structured but familiar job (more on that in an email) and one of my goals was to catch myself up on your blog. So I popped in disc 1 from the Bruce Hornsby collection and here I am. I love it- it makes me miss you like crazy but I am so excited to continue to read. So keep it coming! big hugs to you, Chris and Oscar xoxo